Bridgebuilders Connected

Keeping our session connected via bloggerland! Fundraising ideas, prayer requests/praise reports, funny stories from ministry and family, pictures, updates, you name can post it here (well, you know what I mean).

Thursday, April 27, 2006

"The Family"

Ok, so I'm looking for email addresses to all our "missing" Bridgebuilders. Ruth, Crystal, Robin, Allison and Russ, and any others I may have forgotten. Please if you have any info on them...send me their email so we can get them an invite!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Do You Ever Feel Prepared?

Ok, so here's the question posed to you today...."Do you ever feel prepared for what we face daily as Salvation Army officers?" Is there one experience in particular that stands out in your mind where you really unprepared to face it? Is there anything (be gentle and constructive) that you think should have been emphasized more at the SFOT to prepare you for this ministry?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Funniest Ministry Moments

Ok, so each week I'm going to post a question/ could be about family, ministry, or some crazy topic conjured up. This week's topic: "What is your funniest minstry moment thus far?"

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