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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hallmark- Where's the SA special move edition?

We get pins, figurines, pens, notebooks, photo albums, stickers, and the awful Maxine product line...but where is the special Salvation Army Appointment Edition? The front of the card has people crying on the front (you satisfied 100% of the congregation)....on the inside it says, 60% while you were here, 20 % now that you're gone...and the other 20% (that still addresses you as Commander) will think you've just been on vacation!
But really, what do we say to someone who has been given their marching orders? Congratulations seems weird....I'm sorry is even crazier! We aren't winning or losing anything, so what do you say? I guess it's more about encouragement than anything. Whether you have or haven't seen it coming...whether a requested change or a suprise...we all need encouragement. Leaving the familiar to the unfamiliar. Leaving plans and people into someone else's hands. Knowing you are coming into someone elses plans and people as well. From those of us who are still serving in our current appointments to those who are venturing on to something new...know that we are praying for you, your people (present and future), and your ministry.


Blogger Suebee35 said...

Someone told me once that "Encouragement is food for the heart and every heart is a hungry heart."

Encourage those that are moving...they need that whether they are sad or glad about their transition.

11:27 PM  

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