Bridgebuilders Connected

Keeping our session connected via bloggerland! Fundraising ideas, prayer requests/praise reports, funny stories from ministry and family, pictures, updates, you name can post it here (well, you know what I mean).

Monday, May 01, 2006


World Services, Commissioning, DHQ invoices, payroll, utilities, renovations, divisional camps, social ministry...the list goes on and on! But where do we get the money to support all these expenses???? Ok, looking for creative and innovative fundraising ideas. Small or large...list them here! This will be a great resource for the session.


Blogger Steve Carroll said...

TherÉ is a company that prints these calanders that you put a quarter foreach day we used them for advent and gave them to our people some people liked them so much they did 3 and 4 we used a somiliar calander for lent between the two events we raised about 600 dollars for WS which was cool because they took no work at all as with most of our great ideas this came from delia!for more info ask her.

6:02 PM  

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