Bridgebuilders Connected

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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Funniest Ministry Moments

Ok, so each week I'm going to post a question/ could be about family, ministry, or some crazy topic conjured up. This week's topic: "What is your funniest minstry moment thus far?"


Blogger Nicole_Marietta said...

Guess I'll start. In our first month here I was asked to do a funeral for a woman who died 6 months before...yikes. Anyway the way it was described sounded odd (we're moving her from here to where my dad is buried). Ok, so I'm thinking...body? ashes? how does this work? When we arrived at the cemetary, there was a little building the size of a utility shed where we were to have the memorial service. There in a Budweiser box were the flowers and two boxes. One was the deceased mother...the other I didn't know. At the gravesite there was a small square hole they placed the box inside and then the smaller jewelry box on top. The smaller box...HER DOG! The family wanted me to say some words for their mother and then for the dog. Let me tell you, when we pulled out from the cemetary I laughed the whole way home.

1:16 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

There have been so many, where should I begin. There's the funeral, the marriage proposal, or the bat attack in the chapel? Hmmmm.

1:48 PM  
Blogger Steve Carroll said...

We hagve a Budhist Kid on our bible bowl team who prayered ppublicly for the first time and leyt me tell you when he told God that he didn't blame him for not getting his XBOX360 for his birthday i almost cried trying not to laugh he was dead serious.

Then there was the time Pam took a bunch of Girl guards to NYC the expression on their faces when we stepped off the ferry was Pricesless

The Best was taking members of our prayer team down the street because an old Haitan woman felt her house was cursed when we pressed her a little for details she mentioned the spirit of her dead cat and let me tell you we all bit our lips and prayed for the cat by name but once we got down the street i almost needed another heart surgery.

10:57 PM  

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